T8: International Journal 1
Judul PI: Aplikasi Antrian Pada Klinik Menggunakan Visual Basic.Net dan Microsoft Access Link Journal: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/df9f/94497b2cbc5485117049ab1e4e1bfeeb5693.pdf Learning Content Recommendation for Visual Basic.Net Programming Language based on Ontology Abstract: Nowadays, the quality of learning and the expansion of education technology, motivate the researchers to work on learning area more than before. Problem statement: With the rapid advance of learning contents on the web and also the variety of learning books, finding suitable ones has become a very difficult and complicated task for learners. Approach: This study aims to propose a learning system includes the semantic recommender system. Students can employ this application to learn learning content at anywhere. This system works based on the learner’s knowledge level and also the learner’s request that system asks from the learner at the beginning. Learner will be able to find and lear...